Tribe of Leaders

Erin speaks with Emi Kirschner, Business Coach, about leveraging saleable assets for maximum growth and profit.

They discuss:

  • Getting founders’ businesses ready to sell

  • Erin’s entrepreneurial journey

  • The biggest mistakes that service businesses make

  • Leadership and team-building in a growing business

  • Exit strategies


In Emi’s words…

“I have contracts for my clients when we start working together and I used to use this complex twenty-page document. It was very overwhelming. It didn’t say anything that was earth-shatteringly brilliant. I’m now in two pages, including the essential that this is what you’re getting, the bulleted things. It’s so much clearer and I have far fewer problems with people because a lot of people don’t read them either. Now, they know what they’re getting, what to expect, and what their obligations are to fulfill on their part. It’s so much easier.”

“It’s a communication tool. For me, it’s all it is. I think that’s so funny that I’m not the only one that experiences those contracts and people being afraid of them almost.”


Speaking Your Brand


The Determined FemPreneur