From Ideas to Assets: Protecting Your Big Idea

Proof that nothing beats in person connections! This conversation with Nate Hecker, CEO of Big Idea, was so good that I want to make sure you don’t miss it. Big Idea’s platform revolutionizes how creators handle their intellectual assets, leveraging blockchain technology for proof of ownership and efficient copyright protection.

The highlights:

  • IP is Scary but Vital to Scaling: We discussed the conundrum of educating our audiences about intellectual property without using the term "intellectual property" 😅. Yet this concept is fundamental in scaling expert-driven businesses.

  • Everyone's a Creator in Web 3.0: A primer on the evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0, shedding light on how the latest iteration of the web empowers creators with ownership of their IP. This paradigm shift brings control back to individuals, enabling them to capitalize on their creative output.

  • The Big Idea Platform’s Usability and Security: Puts the focus on user experience to bridge the gap between Web 2.0's familiar interface and Web 3.0’s revolutionary ownership structure, including identity verification that ensures an immutable record of creation.

I’m thinking about having Nate join me on a LinkedIn Live for a demo of the Big Idea platform. Would you be interested? Hit reply.

Cheers! 🥂



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